Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Biology Extra Class

Bio teacher taught us about respiratory system today, of course it's more detail compare to what we'd learnt during form 3. It's in chapter 7 in Biology~ So we learnt something like inhalation and exhalation, the air will be warmed and moisten while the air past through trachea, I think~ XDD

Teacher : Yang tulah masa kamu kat luar negara, suhu dekat sana lebih rendah kan?? Jadi apabila kita orang bernafas akan keluar asap lah.
Sharon : Cikgu!! Kita orang keluar asap ke?!? Saya ingat keluar....
Teacher : Yalah tu, actually keluar water vapour. Jadi dekat luar negara sejuk kan?? Water vapour dan carbon dioxide yang keluar daripada badan sama dengan suhu badan kita orang. Tulah sebab kita orang keluar asap~

Me : Asap~ -.- Since when we became a train that will keluar asap??? XDD

Just a little interesting story that I wanted to share with you guys~ =)


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